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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why I Like Antiques

antique radio zenith Article Of The Month

Antiques Concepts, Online And Off

By Simon Oldmann

Are you a part of the latest antiques craze? Compared to ten years ago, we are constantly bombarded with antique radio shows, antique television show that have become increasingly popular have pitched the idea of dealing with antiques to large international crowds, and the simple fact remains, the antique world is giving love to those who love the antiques... not to the bargain hunters.

Do you feel excited when you see an old toy, dating back 200 years ago and in mint condition, do you feel that owning something like that will give you something special, that the first person to ever hold this in his hands is long gone, but that there is a link between generations and across time because you are now enjoying the same thing?.

I know this feeling, and even though I did sell and still do sell some of my antiques, I hold on to many others, it is no secret that most antique lovers have to sell a few things here and there, but every once in a while something gets to you, sometimes even in a mystical way, its something you know you want to hold on to.

A very popular niche in antiques is old toys, the toys first produced when mass production just started, or even hand crafted toys that date way back. When shopping for antique toys, it can be extremely helpful to have a price guide in hand.

Many unscrupulous sellers are hoping to gain profit due to a buyers lack of knowledge. Watching some of the antique shows can help educate you as a buyer. For a few dollars, you can purchase an antique toy pricing guide and have a firm understanding of how to find a bargain. If you happen to have collected many of your childhood toys and are ready to sell them, there can be a great deal of money to be made. Do some research regarding antique toy and their prices and some items may make you a mint!

An extremely popular collection of antique toys includes a wooding rocking horse. Wooden rocking horses are widely available at online antique stores and often cost well over $1,000 if they are in good condition. Some wear is expected, but the rocking horse must work and contain the original pieces.

Surprisingly, antique-toys sought after by collectors typically include marbles. One onionskin marble on EBay is currently priced at $500 and steadily climbing. While marbles may be at the bottom of your antique toys list, they can sell for huge amounts of money.

If antiques is your passion and you want to learn more the internet is a great resource of information, in fact, the antiques market has been growing in a phenomenal rate since the internet started catching on, people can trade and present antiques on Ebay and other auction sites. There is always a place for more people and more items on this market, and you may find out that its not that difficult to start doing things in the antiques market soon enough.

About The Author

Simon Oldmann has been experimenting with intenet auction sites for some years now, he is writing about his experiance in sellign and buying Antiques online, Simon writes articles for

Hints About antique radio zenith

Buying antiques is a wonderful pastime, from the thrill of the hunt to the pride you feel seeing the piece in your home. But when you're buying antiques, how do you know if the piece is any good, or if it's worth the asking price?
Buy Chinese antique jewelry box today!

Comparison shop: some rare items cannot be compared for price, but you might be able to compare more common items. Also, look at reproductions. Some are good value for money as alternatives to antiques. And, knowing the features of repros may help you in the quest for the real.
Buy an RCA Victor Kent antique radio today!

Benefits of Owning and Using Antique Clocks. At one time clock makers were the greatest technical craftsmen on the planet. Owning a fine handmade clock is owning a small part of the technological evolution of the human race. The pieces not only have intrinsic value but are fascinating for their ability to patiently go about the business of keeping time - often for a hundred years and more.
Buy antique jewelry cupboards today!

Negotiating. Part of the fun of antiquing is that it is one of the few areas of modern U.S. culture where negotiations between buyer and seller go on in the way most other countries do it. In many countries of the world, negotiation over the price of fruit, meat, animals, building materials and most good is carried on in a bantering, friendly manner daily. In the U.S. most of our exchanges are accomplished in a rather impersonal, computer-scanner-manner.
Buy antique stands today!

antique radio zenith News From Around The World

Wood Antiques and The Basics About Wood

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:06 -0600
Find primitive wooden crafts, old wood boxes, frames, magazine racks, rocking chairs, vintage signs and decorative art. Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, maple, elm - different uses were made of these throughout the centuries. Learn the basics about the different kinds of wood that are regularly seen in antique furniture and some common wooden decorative treatments.

Antiquing on a Budget

With the general cost of living making penny pinching seem wiser than ever, we're all looking for a budget-wise deal these days. When it comes to antiques and collectibles, is...

Old World Collectibles

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:01 -0600
Over 2000 items of Old World home decor and decorative collectibles, and an article about Mastering Old World Skills. The Reality TV programs of today have taught us how little we know about the old world's survival skills, or the ability to make things using old time hand tools & methods.

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The Best Information On Antiques

antique tube radios Article Of The Month

Learn How To Choose The Right Antique Furniture

By Constantine Balbozar

The condition of an antique will certainly affect its value. Always look for flaws; at least one or two. When an antique does not have any flaws it means it has been refurbished. Look for antiques that have aged naturally. If the furniture has been cared for then it should be worth more. Also keep in mind that original pieces contribute to raising its value. After you acquired your antique handle it with care. Keep in a clean environment and maintain it regularly. One you need to avoid is over cleaning your item because it will remove the natural chemical formations on its surface. These formations are what give it its distinctiveness. Owning antique furniture is like an investment. The value of the antique, however, depends on a number of factors that are associated with the piece of furniture itself. The era, the age, the quality, are just a few indicators of price.

Antique furniture can add style to your home. Incorporating distinctive antique furniture pieces in your house can add calls in your surroundings. There are of course, a few things you should keep in mind before you buy that wonderful piece of furniture. For a piece of furniture to be considered an antique it should be older than 100 years old. Some say 60 but most collectors would agree on 100. Anything less is considered a collectible item. Its value clearly depends on the particularities of the piece. Georgian period furniture, Regency furniture or Victorian and Edwardian pieces offer a distinctive style that can easily be incorporated in most modern design homes. For the experienced interior designer, when antique furniture is placed in scarcity throughout a home, they enhance the d�cor by reflecting the actual value of the antiques. Rare antiques have a higher value. The rarity of the antique is determined by how many similar pieces of the same antique furniture are available for purchase.

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Tips About antique tube radios

A signature on a piece of cut glass adds at least 25% to the value, but it can be difficult to find.
Buy antique dressers today!

Polish old carved furniture using paste wax applied with a stenciling brush. Buff using a shoe brush
Buy antique furniture today!

antique tube radios News From Around The World

Antique Furniture - Know it's Really Antique Before you Buy

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:23:04 -0600
Learn how to tell the difference between reproductions and antiques. Antique Furniture categories here include vintage cabinets, chests, old-fashioned rocking chairs, tables, dining room sets, and more

Chinese Paintings and Scrolls, Calligraphy on Antique Chinese Art Forms

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:38 -0600
Antique Chinese paintings and scrolls, calligraphy on wall panels, Chinese ancestor paintings, vintage art on reverse glass, porcelain and more.

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My Antique Reviews

antique radio emerson Article Of The Month

Tips To Find Priceless Collectibles and Antiques On eBay

By Dominic Ferrara

If you want to sell collectibles and antiques on eBay, then you will have to create a well- planned strategy because it is not easy. There are many sellers who quit, because they do not know where to look for more items to sell on eBay. The only seller who survives is the one, who does not run out of materials or items to sell. If you want to gain collectibles and antiques for selling then you need to run ads, hand out cards, put up signs, try networking and any other possible method to make the sellers call you. When you visit auctions, yard sales, antique malls, you can come across various dealers and collectors who are in competition with you.

You can win only if you are able to convince the sellers that their unwanted items can be converted into profit, if they sold it to you. If they call you back, you are in control. You can rely on luck as well, when you go to any yard sale. But selling on eBay is a serious business and you need to have collectibles coming on without fail. There is no point in relying completely on luck because there are others waiting to take your place. You require a system wherein the items come to you constantly. Besides, there are many people who prefer selling their items online through eBay, even though Internet is full of popular websites. There are some guidelines that you can follow for success.

Developing an outstanding marketing plan is very important. Make sure that your plan is an outline of how you plan to convince the sellers. Create a strategy that the seller cannot refuse to accept. It should be very effective as this is the psychology of creating a win-win situation. No seller would want to lose, so make sure to tell them that they are getting a good deal because this will bring you more business. Networking also works to a great extent. Don't hesitate in asking people, if they have any collectibles, they would like to sell. Spread word in your community that if anyone is interested in selling collectibles, then they can contact you. Another important strategy is to show off the collectibles and antiques you have. This can be done in any manner you like. People can see your collection and many can even call you to sell their collectibles. Write a letter to your local real estate agents and inform them about your interest in paying cash for unwanted antiques or collectibles.

You can get in touch with other dealers and tell them that you will buy any collectible or antique, they do not want. You can pay people to find items for you. If someone finds something for you, then don't forget to pay that person the finders' fee. You definitely will succeed in finding treasure troves of priceless collectibles and antiques, if you make an effort and have the patience to search for items online, on eBay.

For more information on the best Ebay Auction Info try visiting Auction Rookies blog located at where you will find valuable information on ebay auctions, ebay misspellings and other information.

Tips On antique radio emerson

Glass Christmas ornaments should never be stored in a damp basement. Mildew will cause damage.
Buy antique dining sets today!

Porous pottery and ironstone can be cleaned with wig bleach obtained from a beauty salon.
Buy antique cupboards today!

Ask Questions. Ask the dealer a few questions: * Will he or she �guarantee the piece as advertised?� If the answer is yes, the description should be written on your receipt. If not, the dealer may be uncertain about its provenance. * Ask if any repairs have been done. Repairs don�t mean a piece is bad, but you should know what you�re getting before you buy. * Look the dealer in the eye and ask if the piece is a good value for the money. This test is more about how the answer is received than the answer itself. If the dealer is offended or avoids your gaze, chances are it�s not a good value.
Buy antique jewelry today!

To remove minor water marks on furniture, use a mixture of Vaseline and ashes. Sift 2 tablespoons of fine wood ashes with a dab of Vaseline or cooking oil to form a paste. Using a circular motion, work the paste into the surface with a soft cloth until the white ring vanishes.
Buy antique bookcases today!

Some antique radio emerson Stories

Chinese Antiques - Calligraphy

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:44 -0600
Chinese Cabinets, Chests, Tables, Statues and Carvings - Ancient Chinese Vases, jewelry of Brass, Bronze and Wooden Art - and an Introduction to Calligraphy.

Antique Clocks - Grandfather, Cuckoo Clocks, Wall and Mantel

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:23:25 -0600
And an article about the value of antique grandfather clocks. To be
certain of a clock's authenticity, you should only buy from a trusted and reputable seller. Read any listing carefully to ensure that the product you are buying is truly an antique.

Silver Antiques - Sterling and Silverplate

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:14 -0600
Vintage sterling and silverplate, antique silver frames, and decorative silver art forms. Periodically, silver enjoys great popularity in jewelry and now is one of those times..

oak antique furniture
reproduction antique furniture

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