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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Antique Reviews

Our Featured sparton antique radio Article

Hints On sparton antique radio

When storing old toys remember to remove the batteries first.
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All The Latest News From The sparton antique radio World

Silver Antiques - Sterling and Silverplate

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:14 -0600
Vintage sterling and silverplate, antique silver frames, and decorative silver art forms. Periodically, silver enjoys great popularity in jewelry and now is one of those times..

Vintage Collectibles from The Americas

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:10 -0600
Antique sacks of unsearched gems, civil war portraits, old home furnishings, antique prints including cowboy photos and drawings from the old Wild West, Indian relics and more. But how do you really know an item is the real deal? Is it really a collectible or someone else's discarded piece of junk? Here are tips from a Garage-Sale Junkie who swears by the collectible items she's found.


Why I Like Antiques

Featured antique radio auction Article

Tips On antique radio auction

Too much has been made in recent years of the 'investment potential' of antiques. It is true that, for the most part, they have performed very well indeed in the long term, but no one can be sure that prices are going to rise without check. Some will fall from time to time, either because a fashion changes or for extraneous economic reasons; but antique furniture is always worth something, which is more than can be said for many of its modern equivalents.
Buy antique cupboards today!

More antique radio auction Info

A Holiday Greeting from Your Guide

I'm taking a break to enjoy some holiday cheer with my beloved. Before I step away from the computer for a bit, I thought I'd share one more of...

Old World Collectibles

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:01 -0600
Over 2000 items of Old World home decor and decorative collectibles, and an article about Mastering Old World Skills. The Reality TV programs of today have taught us how little we know about the old world's survival skills, or the ability to make things using old time hand tools & methods.

Egyptian Antiques in ancient Art Forms

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:33 -0600
Sculptures, Paintings. Jewelry and more but there are things you need to know before you start collecting Egyptian antiques .. see the article attached to the page for some knowledge of Egyptology before you buy an antique that isn't Egyptian at all.



A Great Antique Resource

Our Featured antique zenith tube wood radio Article

Learn More About antique zenith tube wood radio

Benefits of Owning and Using Antique Clocks. At one time clock makers were the greatest technical craftsmen on the planet. Owning a fine handmade clock is owning a small part of the technological evolution of the human race. The pieces not only have intrinsic value but are fascinating for their ability to patiently go about the business of keeping time - often for a hundred years and more.
Buy antique jewelry cupboards today!

White powder forming on glass or pottery with a lead glaze is poisonous. Remove the item!
Buy antique furniture today!

antique zenith tube wood radio Galore

Send a Seasonal Vintage Greeting

While it may be a little too late to get a holiday greeting card to your friends and loved ones via snail mail, emailing a heartfelt remembrance will still...

Antiques Poll: What's Your Favorite Victorian Christmas Custom?

Many of the customs we enjoy during the holidays today have Victorian roots. Take the poll, then post a comment to share more about your own family's Christmas traditions.


Wood Antiques and The Basics About Wood

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:22:06 -0600
Find primitive wooden crafts, old wood boxes, frames, magazine racks, rocking chairs, vintage signs and decorative art. Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, maple, elm - different uses were made of these throughout the centuries. Learn the basics about the different kinds of wood that are regularly seen in antique furniture and some common wooden decorative treatments.